The Client

Delivering a bold and adventurous new ‘Wildcat’.

Wildcat Helicopters’ sleek new website showcases their wide range of services, from the brave to the adventurous. Equipped for fire fighting & emergency operations, heavy lift, and engineering capabilities, they also provide once-in-a-lifetime heli-skiing experiences. With a user-friendly interface designed for seamless navigation, visitors can now explore their diverse offerings in a modern, impactful setting. Web development by our partner at Wilson Creative.

Website Details

Features &

Powerful Features & Elements

Fleet Management

Custom Post Type

Client can now easily share any additions to their fleet and manage the details & imagery of the ones they currently have.

Team Profiles

Custom Post Type

Wildcat is now able add or change team member profiles and images in the backend while organizing their order of appearance on the page.

Career Opportunities

Custom Post Type

Easily choose what testimonials to display, relate them to specific products or pages, and organize order of appearance on the site.

Services Management

Custom Post Type

Easily manage service pages information, upload gallery of images, and add/remove service-specific fleet aircraft.

Parallax Effects

Modern Animations

Items, like some of the cut-out helicopter images have a parallax effect to them to create eye-catching moments throughout the site.

Modern Design

Crafted to Captivate

See It For Yourself Right Here

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Online Presence

Bring your company into the light with an unforgettable website.